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New guy. So new I don't have a race car yet...
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TOPIC: New guy. So new I don't have a race car yet...

New guy. So new I don't have a race car yet... 12 years ago #14845

  • ditch68
  • Drivers Ed
  • Posts: 7
Hello, there. I am, like the title says, just trying to get started in what is clearly what I was meant to do, racing (relatively) on the cheap in a beloved 944.

Some of you may have seen my posts on Rennlist and or Pelican with this username (I am not sure if that is good or bad...)

I daily drive an '88 951, and I am trying to get some DE days in now and ramp up to my goal of racing in 944 Spec. I live in Tucson, and I work for the National Guard as an Apache helicopter mechanic in Marana. I'm 44, and married with 4 kids and (ugh) a grandson.

I hope to get started and would like to attend an event to get to know people and ask questions, etc. I have lots.

I missed the last race at Firebird, but I would like to go to the Chuckwalla event I see posted in January. My dad is also possibly a candidate as my defacto pit crew, and my brother would love to help, too. I think I would be the only driver of us 3. I hope to have my stuff together to get a car in the 2014 season at the latest, sooner if I can figure out a way.

I have been to Palm Springs quite a few times and apparently drove right past the track in Desert Center. I'll try to talk my dad and brother into going along, as i am sure that will get them excited about the prospect.

Is that event open to us as just bystander/gawkers? I'll check back here to see what's what, or try to track some of you down on the other forums if this is not the best place to be current.

my email is camarosmith68 (at)

I am really enthusiastic, if not wealthy, but good with a wrench and prepared to sweat and have fun!

Thanks in advance,


Re: New guy. So new I don't have a race car yet... 12 years ago #14856

  • spec28
  • Junior Racer
  • Posts: 40
Welcome Jeff,
glad to hear your comin over to 944.
Since your in Tucson, INDE will be your home track, PIR is second closest.
Chuckwalla is an awsome track to run also.
Are you going to de at Firebird in January, February and March?
That would be a great time to meet everyone and get connected.
Dean S.

Re: New guy. So new I don't have a race car yet... 12 years ago #14857

  • spec28
  • Junior Racer
  • Posts: 40
We can sit and chat about the Apache Helicopter.
( I was a member of the weapons design team for 10 yrs.)
Look forward to meeting up with you.
Dean S.

Re: New guy. So new I don't have a race car yet... 12 years ago #14858

  • ditch68
  • Drivers Ed
  • Posts: 7
Hi, Dean!

I'll definitely get on the track for at least one of those events. My car has developed an oil leak that I fear is the front seal, so I will have to address that (to pass tech). Either way I will show up to say hi.

I'm really looking forward to it.

It will be great to talk shop about the aircraft, too.


Re: New guy. So new I don't have a race car yet... 12 years ago #14859

Hi Jeff,

First off, thank you for serving our country! Second, we are glad to hear of your interest in 944spec with your family, most of the drivers come to to the race with wives, husbands, girl friends, boy friends, kids, grand-kids, father's as pit crew etc...So you, your dad and brother and someday grand-son will fit right in, it is a social gathering as well as the best, close racing you will find anywhere. With your talent of working on Apache Helicopters, these cars will be simple for you to figure out. Everybody helps out with keeping each others cars running at the track, it's amazing the support within the group then to go out balls to the wall trying to beat each other!

You can get into a 944spec race car for less money than building one, so when you are ready, let us know and we can find a car that is race ready, then with some seat time with an instructor, then some seat time on your own and learning the rules, you will be ready to race in no time!

Happy Holidays to you and your family

Norm #99
AZ 944spec Series Director
928 254 5400
Norman #99

Re: New guy. So new I don't have a race car yet... 12 years ago #14865

  • ditch68
  • Drivers Ed
  • Posts: 7
Thanks, Norm!

I am on my 3rd 944 now (well, 2 951s and a 924S, actually), and I think I have a pretty good handle on the mechanics of the cars. I haven't been into a 944 engine block or had a head off, but I have done all that on other cars. I've done several tranny swaps and a torque tube replacement, so I guess the rest is downhill from that debacle.

It sounds much better to get into a built car rather than try to re-invent the wheel.

I've been doing all I can to get up to speed and I plan on reading the rulebook over Christmas break (I have skimmed over it).

I'm very happy, I just read the tech article here on the heel toe downshift brake pedal adjustment, and realized what I thought was my "self invented wrong way" of rolling my foot over onto the throttle (rather than pivoting and using my heel) was something I would have to unlearn, turns out it is not that odd to do it my way. It's the little things, right?

I've already been looking at all the car for sale ads I see, looks like about $6k could get me started in a built car.

I can do that!

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