Big Dog wrote:
Jerry, you can look up into the rear housing to see if the torque tube is turning or not. That would break down whether the problem is in the clutch or the trans/diff.
Remember my new car that wouldn't move, just screech? It turned out that the motor moved and jambed the rear connector between the torque tube and trans to get moved forward on the splines. The screech was the pinch bolt on the connector against the splines on the trans. No damage to the splines though. My guess is a motor mount was broken and allowed the motor to move back, jamb the connector forward on the torque tube spline and pull it forward off the trans spline. The bolt must have been loose for that to have been able to happen. In any event, looking through the access hold in the housing will tell you if you have movement at that point and go from there.
Big Dog
That's a good idea. Thanks. Haven't got the car off the trailer yet. I'm waiting for my son to come over for a bit of muscle.
Hope to have the diagnosis all done this weekend.