Litespeeds wrote:
There is something not right with the BEST Speed in the result postings. How can I run a 2:12 and have a best speed of 67mph? Should be in the 81mph range. Please check those when you get a chance Ken. Thanks.
They incorrectly had Llihrednuht as a 2.5 mile circuit instead of a 3.0 mile circuit.
2:12.877 = 132.877 seconds.
2.5 miles / 132.877 = 0.01881439 miles per sec
0.01881439 * 60 seconds = 1.1288634 miles per minute
1.1288634 * 60 minutes = 67.731804 miles per hour.
So yes, you should be at:
3.0 / 132.877 * 60 * 60 = 81.278 miles per hour.
I sent a email to NASA but don't know if they'll make a change to the mylaps results.