Well I got the car today. Too dark to take pictures. Car is perfect. My friend tony hooked me up. hooked me up with some wheels too. The ones on it were wrong size for spec racing. Now I need tires. has a cracked windshield but that wont stop me. I will take some pictures in the day.. Scrapped some getting on our trailer. I run a drag car and the trailer is kinda high for the porsche. but got it home. hell Cant wait. Ill start this weekend with the easy removal process.
I would love to come to AZ to race. We have a nice track here if you all want a road trip. can also get rooms cheap here in LV. Can hook you up.
a link to our track. owner put like 8 million into track in last year. wants to hold races. Nice garage areas. added to track too. now its a 3.2 mile.
Got to run on track last week in a 911 twin turbo. frkn fast. hit 140 on straight.