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Cut the wrong wires?
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TOPIC: Cut the wrong wires?

Cut the wrong wires? 15 years, 11 months ago #3961

  • rd7839
  • Endurance Racer
  • Posts: 625
While working on the clutch lever under the dash yesterday, I decided to clean up more of the wiring. I cut out everything that I knew where it went and everything that was unplugged. There was also a few things I wasn't sure of but seemed to be part of the vent/ac system or alarm(which was unplugged). Now this was just a guess but I felt very confident. I don't believe I cut anything to the DME but now the car won't start. It cranks but no fire. When I turned the key on I didn't hear the fuel pump as usual so I checked for voltage through the fuse and got nothing(the fuse is good and I had disconnected the battery before cutting). I saved everything I cut out and can send pictures to anyone who wants to see them but can't post them hear for some reason.

By the way, the car's an '86


p.s. If someone feels like they want to call and walk me through this, call 530 740-1313 or 408 421-2869
Last Edit: 15 years, 11 months ago by rd7839.

Re:Cut the wrong wires? 15 years, 11 months ago #3962

Hi Ron,

Having just been through this I can tell you that there are wires in the harness that loop back on themselves. I suspect you cut a ground wire mid loop. Check for a brown wire. When you find one, ohm it to ground with the battery disconnected and see if you get 0.

I know it's a tough job, but in the long run it's probably worth it to remove the entire set of wires, lay them out and carefully remove what you don't need and replace all the brittle stuff.

I love the way Joe wired his radiator fans and when I saw that the dash could be removed it became a no brainer. We sell the RacePak systems, so that will become my new dash with all the required switches right next door. I’ve seen too many relay, connector, and brittle wire coating problems to build around the old stuff that was in there.

I have an 83 with the entire harness sitting out. If you can be more specific about the wires that you cut, I’ll be happy to cut all of those section open to help you get running again.

Good luck!
512 707-8869

Re:Cut the wrong wires? 15 years, 11 months ago #3974

Maybe ... you cut an alarm wire. I saw in the past (i don't know where) you can jumper two wires to bypass the alarm . should be able to search bypass alarm on Pelican , rennlist or ...

Re:Cut the wrong wires? 15 years, 11 months ago #3985

  • rd7839
  • Endurance Racer
  • Posts: 625
You were dead on, I removed an aftermarket alarm but made sure the wiring was redone to stock but I forgot about the factory alarm. The car didn't have a factory alarm but instead had the plug for one looped back on itself to "bypass "the fuel cutoff. When I grabbed my big cable cutters and hacked away, I removed that plug and of course the bypass. All I had to do was, after I figured out which plug it was, was see which wires were looped to each other and find them where I cut and splice them back together. Car fired right up. Lesson learned.

Re:Cut the wrong wires? 15 years, 11 months ago #3986

Please post more info . what wires were they ? picture ?

it's all good !
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