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Enduro Strategies
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TOPIC: Enduro Strategies

Re:Enduro Strategies 15 years, 5 months ago #5904

  • JRichard
  • Senior Racer
  • Posts: 107
Ok so I've taken the big dogs comments to heart and I think I have my pit crew...

Re:Enduro Strategies 15 years, 5 months ago #5905

  • JRichard
  • Senior Racer
  • Posts: 107
Charlie, yea I know the filler/jug combo isn't going to make it so I was going to look at a long vent dump can, the're less prone to leaks... But how much do you guys play with fuel load vs lap time vs pit time? Or use the kiss technique and just do one and forget about the rest? And what about tires? Maybe on RA1s it's a set and forget deal but my 888s were going off on the last 45 minute race, I couldn't imagine them going the distance for 3hrs...tire change?! Don't want to buy a new set of 888 s at this point....
Last Edit: 15 years, 5 months ago by JRichard.

Re:Enduro Strategies 15 years, 5 months ago #5915

  • Big Dog
  • Banned
  • Posts: 700
Oh boy, My list is growing. First Joe, then Charlie and then Jim. Go ahead and poke at the Big Dog guys, but watch your mirrors.

Like Charlie said Joe, you have passed up on lots of opportunities to DQ me in the past so you can dump me any time you want to. You have earned it, my friend.

Jim, I would not remove the flapper in your neck though. This race is a 944-Spec race using some of the enduro rules. We will not be running as an enduro class regardless of what our National Champ says and if you remove it, it sounds like our regional director is in a DQ mood at the moment and with a first name of Jim, he might confuse you with me.

As for the fuel jug, Charlie has a great idea on the vent. Buying a fancy fuel jug with the long vent is expensive for one event a year. I like his idea of fabricating a large vent opening for one can since that is all you will need. I believe the rules require it to be an actual 5 gal. jug, too. Most of mine are 6 gallon type and are, specifically, not allowed by the enduro rules. Lots of guys used them last year and nothing was said. We need to ask Joe if that is OK again this year. It seems silly to make a big deal about it for one race every year, especially since we are not really enduro guys.

As for fuel load, any pit stop is a long time delay so you don't want more than the one required stop and 5 gallons should be all you need if you start with a full tank The same goes for tires. Changing tires is not worth the time since you can't change 4 tires in pit lane. I think you are restricted to changing two maximum without going back to the paddok. Also, you can't change tires while you are adding fuel, you can do a driver change only.

If you are going to only make one pit stop, you plan it late when most of the fuel is gone so the car is lighter for as long as possible. Of course, if you are going to change drivers, you may want to stop at the half way time to split up the driving.

Big Dog
Checking my list:woohoo:
Jim Foxx

Re:Enduro Strategies 15 years, 5 months ago #5916

cbuzzetti wrote:
Remove the flapper valve in filler neck (remove from car first). Not legal for Spec but OK for E2.!!

For the Az 3 hour Endro we will be running standard 944 spec classes. So remember that as well.
Joe Paluch
944 Spec #94 Gina Marie Paper Designs
Arizona Regional 944 Spec Director, National Rules Coordinator
2006 Az Champion - 944 Spec Racer Since 2002

Re:Enduro Strategies 15 years, 5 months ago #5917

One major issue is late tank vs early tank cars. Late tank cars are 21 gallons and early are 17 gallons. If we can both do it on a full tank +5 we are equal.

If however early tank cars need to add 10 instead of 5 we are pretty much out of the top few cars.

BTW... This will be a single points race. Despite what Tage has been saying. We Az 944 spec guys don't run double points.
Joe Paluch
944 Spec #94 Gina Marie Paper Designs
Arizona Regional 944 Spec Director, National Rules Coordinator
2006 Az Champion - 944 Spec Racer Since 2002

Re:Enduro Strategies 15 years, 5 months ago #5920

  • JRichard
  • Senior Racer
  • Posts: 107
Well I've got some work to do...

These are a really nice alternative to leaky jugs or the big expensive NASCAR dump cans:

of all the places I worry about a fire the pit is the worst...
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