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Nationals Entry List
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TOPIC: Nationals Entry List

Re: Nationals Entry List 13 years, 6 months ago #10894

That is awesome guys, 16 cars will be a great show and really fun for the drivers, last years podium finishers Dave and Tyler will have a good battle for sure, "the young and the old", who are you rooting for??? The last two Nationals in Utah had some of the best battles in the middle and basically all of the way through the pack.

Eric, you and the other mid west guys have been so generous offering your homes and doing what ever you can to get us out there for the big race of the year, but so far no winning lotto numbers, when it happens, I will just rent one of Bennington's cars and do an arrive and drive.

With about 10 more weeks to go, you will see more signing up, good job!!!

Norman #99
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Re: Nationals Entry List 13 years, 6 months ago #10895

  • dmdirks
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 172
Who are you calling "old", there, Honkey?

Wish you could be racing with us, Norm. (Or maybe not... 'cause you would school all of us.)
David Dirks
2010 944-Spec National Champion
Rocky Mountain Region
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Re: Nationals Entry List 13 years, 6 months ago #10904

Who are you calling Honkey, OK, I am part Honkey, just like you are only part old, add your age to Tyler's, then your close to mine!

I envy you guys going to Nationals, those of you that this is your first, it's a different level of all around focus that makes the end result so rewarding, no matter where you finish.

My advise, take your best game to the track ie: mind, body and car!!! You'll need em all, leave one of them out and you probably won't finish were you shoulda or coulda!!! There, that's about all of the school'n I have for you this year.

Norman #99
Last Edit: 13 years, 6 months ago by norman#99.
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Re: Nationals Entry List 13 years, 6 months ago #10905

  • B1BFlyer
  • Senior Racer
  • Posts: 111
Well I signed up last night, but as always it will be pending "permission" from the USAF on whether or not I can actually attend.

Hope to be there and at least keep up with the field for the first couple turns after the start!

Ryan Peterson
Abilene, TX
924s, #21

Oversteer scares passengers, understeer scares drivers.
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Re: Nationals Entry List 13 years, 6 months ago #10906

Norm's got the spirit of what we're doing!

Ryan, great to have you aboard!

The best thing about Nationals is having the time, and input available to get faster. You will learn a lot about traffic management, car setup, and racecraft if you're interested, and pay attention at Nationals. I'll put videos up both at the event, and online after we go there in a couple of months in the regular season. Many of us are happy to go over vidoe or data, answer questions, etc. No better place to learn from some of the best in the country, about how to go fast. In this class, we help each other out off the track, and respect each other on track.

I had many guys confirm that they are signed up last night, and added a couple of names to the list, which is firming up nicely.
We are up to 18 drivers now. The growth is unbelievable, and great to see so making the effort to come from near, and far.

In 2008, we had 4 drivers sign up. 2 years later, we have 18 at Mid Ohio (so far)! Travel distances make it tough to match Miller numbers this year, but at this rate of growth, we'll be competing with SM for the largest car counts again soon.

Just wish Norm could make it. I feel like we should "pass the hat" as Norm and his school are a good cause.
I'm in for $100! Norm, maybe we could raise some money for the teen driving school through the class?
Eric Kuhns

National Director Emeritus

2007, & 2008 National Champion
2011, 2012 2nd
Last Edit: 13 years, 6 months ago by Sterling Doc.
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Re: Nationals Entry List 13 years, 6 months ago #10907

Man 18 cars! That is great! I really wish I could make out there, but it just will not happen this year. Still too much going on for a big trip, but if all goes well I will at least finish the season localy (we have 6 races left of 16). Darn since year I have completed a total of 3 races. 1 in august, 1 in November and 1 in April. That may not sound like many races down, but consider our prime racing season is September-May and well you see how much I have missed. There were 19 points races June 2010-May 31 2011 in Az including 2010 Nationals and I did only 3.

Anyway pending the rest of the year maybe I can figure some way to make the haul in 2012.
Joe Paluch
944 Spec #94 Gina Marie Paper Designs
Arizona Regional 944 Spec Director, National Rules Coordinator
2006 Az Champion - 944 Spec Racer Since 2002
Last Edit: 13 years, 6 months ago by joepaluch.
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