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I'd like to say Thanks...
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TOPIC: I'd like to say Thanks...

I'd like to say Thanks... 13 years, 9 months ago #10788

  • B1BFlyer
  • Senior Racer
  • Posts: 111 the following people for helping me go from an unlicensed super-noob in January, to an official amateur racer with a car ready and on the track by the 3rd event of the Texas region's season.

Big thanks to the following:
David Dirks
Chuck Taylor
Jim Foxx

They endured countless emails, phone calls and questions to help get the car running.

Another big thanks to BJ Meyer for getting my engine ready to go and then staying up until 2am the night before TWS helping me get the car ready for tech.

And to the many other 944 racers that threw in their tips and advice to help me get my car track ready...Thanks.

Thanks all, this is the reason I joined this community of racers.

Ryan Peterson

Ryan Peterson
Abilene, TX
924s, #21

Oversteer scares passengers, understeer scares drivers.
Last Edit: 13 years, 9 months ago by B1BFlyer.
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