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Uniform placement of sponsorship decals.
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NASA Rocky Mountain Region
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TOPIC: Uniform placement of sponsorship decals.

Uniform placement of sponsorship decals. 17 years ago #132

Hey Drivers !

So far yall have seen the anouncement OVER $16,000 in sponsorship for 944-spec !

This does come with a few strings. #1 we need to support those who support us !

#2 we need to look good as a group. the sponsorship deals i have made are group deals so in an effort to look nice and like a "group" I would like all cars to display the sponsorship stickers in / about the same place. Westons car looks nice so I will make sure his is right then that will be the way for all 944's . I will take pictures of my 924S and that will be the way for those cars.

If you do not want to run the stickers in (near)the place given that is not a problem.

If you do not want to run some of the stickers that is not a problem.

As a "group" we will be sharing all of the sponsorship $ just like we did last year if you choose not to place your stickers as the "group" does then ...

Let me know if you have a problem with any placement and we will talk about it .

2008 is going to be AWESOME !

Hanksville number plates are at the printers. ?
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