Just to update the thread... I purchased a red '88 that was in very good condition mechanically and looks. I was pretty hellbent on the advantages of the 88 dme, pistons and short 5th. However after having some doubts on spending that much on a car that was destined for the hard life of the track my twisted my arm to make it her first car (she's 16 and just got her license). She's very picky and when I saw how much she liked it when I brought it home I couldn't help but to start her on a path of good taste when it comes to her chariot of choice.
Have no fear I spotted cheaper white 85.5 that appeared to be in excellent condition with 112k on the broken odometer. So I bought this one for track duty, HPDE to start while building to 944 SPEC regs. . The engine and transmission run well and the exterior/interior are in good condition. However after a few days in my garage and some spirited driving I've discovered a serious oil leak coming from the rear of the oil pan. I'm hoping it's the oil pan gasket but I fear it's the rear main seal. Either job is more than I would like to delve into, but after buying 2 cars , spare money is tight. I've begun the process of removing the cross member to get the gasket seal replaced. I still need to separate the swingarms, power steering lines, and motor mounts before I can drop the cross member. I'm going to inspect the rod bearings as its been suggested while the oil pan is out. I just have my fingers crossed that it's not the rear main seal. Or the car is going to be down awhile so I can do the clutch/flywheel and whatever other stuff I should do while all those things are removed. Any suggestions are welcome, as well as donations (lol). All Donations shall be replayed in full (with beer). I do plan on reaping the fruits of a build party very soon.
Edit: I will start a build thread for my adventures