Great question, Gary. No apology necessary, and no offense taken. Here are some scenarios:
If you're getting a great-fitting, quality-built cage locally for $1,400-$1,600, AND your builder can build it when you need it, then I'd say that's a great deal and my mail-order cage can't compete.
If you can get a cage built locally but you need to wait longer than you'd like for that cage, my cage may be an option for you and your builder. I've done all the hard work for your builder; I can ship your custom-fitted cage to you/them tomorrow am, and he/she can take it from there. At this point in the off-season, waiting for your cage may not be a big deal. But if you're one of many people who wait until a week or a month before the season opener, knowing that I have your cage in stock and ready to ship might be a good thing to help you get on the track.
If you know how to weld or have a friend who can do the welding for you, then this can be a way to save time and money for the do-it-yourselfer. Locally, I do alot of custom bending for customers who give me CAD or sketched cage designs; I bend tubes for them and they do the rest of the fabrication. This isn't everyone of course, but there are alot of do-it-yourselfers out there who really do know how to weld. This can be a cost-effective option for them.
If you're a shop/car builder/fabricator who wants to fit more work into your shop's schedule, here again, I've done the hard work for you. I can ship the cage to you tomorrow and a few extra hours of welding, you've dramatically decreased your turnaround time for your customers. I have alot of shops as customers who have realized that they can serve their customers better and make more margin by outsourcing the cage work to me, while they focus on suspension setup, engine building, and other core services.
There are areas of the country where cages cost alot more than $1,600. If you're in one of these areas, then my cage might also be a good option.
There are many reasons why my cages might be a good fit for a potential customer, and other reasons why they might not be. Racers have many options available to them; this is one more option. Thanks!